It’s definitely not a BAD idea to have an award-winning author and PhD candidate make your ideas articulate…

Allow me to craft your socials and deliver them as shined monthly jewels, guaranteed to attract engagement.

Socials Petit


With this subscription, from a monthly interview I will provide 3-4 pages (1500-2000 words) of social posts of your choosing to your inbox at the beginning of each month. With your social media copy taken care of, you’ll be amazed at how much more valuable time you have to mastermind your next brilliant career moves. Interested? Please contact me to start a conversation.

Socials Moyenne


With this subscription, from a monthly interview I will provide 4-6 pages (2000-3000 words) of social posts of your choosing to your inbox at the beginning of each month. With your social media copy taken care of, you’ll be amazed at how much more valuable time you have to mastermind your next brilliant career moves. Interested? Please contact me to start a conversation.

Socials Complet


Recommended for most clients, this subscription thoroughly synthesizes your blog and social media content across multiple platforms. It includes a monthly interview and from it I will provide 8-16 pages (4000-8000 words) of social posts of your choosing to your inbox at the beginning of each month. With your social media copy taken care of, you’ll be amazed at how much more valuable time you have to mastermind your next brilliant career moves. Interested? Please contact me to start a conversation.